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Webinar - MAPLE New York Fall Meeting: Energy Interdependence Between the U.S. and Canada

Please note the event will be from 2:00 - 3:00pm EST.

We are looking forward to welcoming everyone to our MAPLE New York Fall Reception.

We will be focusing on the energy sector at this event with two very special speakers both of whom have recently joined our community as executive members.

Joining MAPLE New York Executive Director John Constanzo in conversation will be Robert Catell, Chairman of the Advanced Energy Research Technology Center (AERTC) and Chairman of the National Offshore Wind Research and Development Consortium (NOWRDC); and David Manning, former Deputy Minister of Energy in the Alberta Government, past U.S. advisor to the Alberta provinicial government and Director of Stakeholder and Community Relations at Brookhaven National Laboratory.

With ambitious goals for clean and renewable energy from New York Governor Cuomo and historic close collaborations between Canada and New York State in energy trade, our energy focus at our Fall Reception addresses a pivotal sector to our regional economy and our Canada-New York economic ties.

In addition to our featured discussion, John Costanzo will be providing an update on the work and growth of our MAPLE cross-border community since our inaugural New York Chapter reception in August.

Look for more information on how to join our Fall Reception soon. We look forward to welcoming you.