SEPTEMBER 2024: AtmanCo CEO Marie-Christine Drolet Presentation at MAPLE Southern California Hybrid Fall Reception
At our Southern California Hybrid Fall Reception on September 19. 2024, Marie-Christine Drolet, CEO of Montréal-based HR/talent software company, AtmanCo, provided MAPLE members, partners and guests an overview of her company's pioneering work in the field of science-based psychometrics and artificial intelligence to support the recruitment and retention of talent and to foster high-performing teams for organizations of all sizes. Click on the image to view the recording. Original release date September 2024.

MAPLE Conversations - Embracing Immigration Design Thinking
In part two of our Conversation with Naumaan Hameed, co-founder of Toronto-based immigration law firm, Greenberg Hameed PC, he speaks to the opportunity for Immigration Design Thinking where companies step back to strategically evaluate where skills are needed, where they can find them and then leverage immigration policies to facilitate thoughtful entry for their people. Canada offers a compelling pathway for talent that can help companies compete effectively across North America. Original release date: January 2024.

MAPLE Conversations - On the 2024 Horizon for North American Businesses: Immigration
For our first episodes of MAPLE Conversations in 2024, we spoke with Naumaan Hameed, co-founder of Toronto-based immigration law firm, Greenberg Hameed PC. Naumaan discusses what he sees on the horizon in 2024 for North American businesses with respect to talent and immigration in the first of our two-part Conversation. Original release date: January 2024.

MAPLE Conversations - Asian Heritage Month
Jason Tse, Executive Director of the MAPLE British Columbia Chapter, shares personal reflections on the importance of Asian Heritage Month which is celebrated in both Canada and the U.S. in May. Original release date: May 2022.

MAPLE Conversations - Benefits Program Expectations of U.S. Companies Entering Canada
In part two of our Conversation with John Griffin, President of Toronto-based benefits consulting firm, Sterling Capital Brokers, we discuss the most common benefits program planning expectations his firm encounters from U.S. clients entering the Canadian market for the first time. Original release date: March 2022.

MAPLE Conversations - Expressing Company Culture through Employee Benefits
How benefits can help an organization express its culture, which is critically important as companies compete for top talent, is the focus of our Conversation with John Griffin, President of Toronto-based Sterling Capital Brokers, Canada's largest independent benefits consulting firm. Original release date - March 2022.

Diversity Equity & Inclusion - A Canada-U.S. Journey Shared
Sem Ponnambalam, founder and president of Canadian cybersecurity firm, xahive, discusses Diversity, Equity and Inclusion through the lens of her own DEI journey as a racialized woman entrepreneur launching and growing her own tech business in Canada and the U.S. Original release date- November 2021.

Diversity Equity & Inclusion - Everyone Has a Journey
In part two of our Conversation with Sem Ponnambalam, founder and president of Canadian cybersecurity firm, xahive, Sem discusses the importance of training and policies & procedures for an organization to make progress in its DEI journey, the benefits her own organization has experienced by making DEI a priority and the importance of lending a hand to the next generation. Original release date - November 2021.

Diversity Equity and Inclusion - Unconscious Bias
Sem Ponnambalam, founder and president of Canadian cybersecurity firm, xahive, discusses her experience with unconscious bias as a racialized woman entrepreneur raising funds for her firm in the tech sector. Sem points to research that correlates diverse leadership teams with higher investment returns and discusses the importance of looking beyond diversity to the DEI policies & procedures that can measure & sustain diversity in companies. Original release date - November 2021.

MAPLE Conversations - The High Impact Firm Leadership Gap
In part two of our Conversation with Glenn Yonemitsu of High Impact Firms at BDC’s Advisory Services, he discusses the leadership gap for CEO's and founders who must learn to transition from doer to leader to take their business to the next level. Original release date - March 2020.

MAPLE Conversations - Driving Growth with Canada's High Impact Firms
Glenn Yonemitsu, Managing Director High-Impact Firms at the Business Development Bank of Canada's (BDC) Advisory Services discusses the bank's relationship with high impact firms in the two year Growth Driver Program. Original release date - March 2020.

MAPLE Conversations - Promoting Collaboration in the Design of Work Environments
In part two of our Conversation with Ron Frantz, Reginal Vice President of Teknion in Southern California, we discuss promoting collaboration in workplace environments in light of the work from home trend and how we are using technology at work. Original release date - January 2020.

MAPLE Conversations - The Millennial Workforce & Implications for Work Environments
In this episode we speak with Ron Frantz, Regional Vice President of Teknion in Southern California, on the types of workplace environment needs organizations have for an evolving workforce. Original release date - January 2020.

MAPLE Conversations - How Do You Know You Are Ready for Intentional Business Discontinuity?
In part two of our Conversation with Deborah Hartnett Kennedy, California partner at Edmonton-based Unstoppable Conversations, she discusses when a business is ready for intentional discontinuity. Original release date - October 2019.

MAPLE Conversations - Intentional Business Discontinuity
Deborah Hartnett Kennedy, California partner at Edmonton-based management consulting firm, Unstoppable Conversations, discusses the stages of intentional business discontinuity - a model for achieving breakthrough performance. Original release date - October 2019.

MAPLE Conversations - Proactive Work Authorization Planning
In part two of our Conversation with Andrew Cumming, founder and managing partner of Toronto-based cross-border immigration law firm, Cumming & Partners, we discuss the need for companies to proactively manage their employees' work authorizations. Original release date - September 2019.

MAPLE Conversations - Navigating Divergent Immigration Systems in Canada and the United States
In this first of two episodes with Andrew Cumming, founder and managing partner of the Toronto-based cross-border immigration law firm, Cumming & Partners, we discuss navigating divergent immigration systems in Canada and the United States in support of an organization's talent. Original release date - September 2019.