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WEBINAR - MAPLE Southern California Winter Reception

We are looking forward to welcoming you to our MAPLE Southern California Winter Reception. While this would normally be a series of three events over two days in Los Angeles, Orange County, and San Diego, we will be coming together virtually for this year’s program using an innovative new online platform where you can meet other guests to network in a virtual meeting room before our presentations.

And we have some special content to share with you too! 

Our speakers join us from two centers of technology innovation in Canada. Vancouver-based POWERSHiFTER is a leading digital design agency and Waterloo, Ontario based TAURIA, is a provider of a hyper-secure end-to-end encrypted business collaboration platform. 

Through their talks we will be exploring two topics: a business’ CX needs as a result of a continually changing omnichannel landscape pressured by the pandemic and the need for secure and private communications especially as so many work remotely these days.

We will also be providing an update on the growth of our membership, our latest cross-border content, events and insights. We look forward to connecting with you at our virtual Southern California Winter Reception.

Report on MAPLE
MAPLE co-founders Stephen Armstrong and Robert Kelle will share an update on the work of the Council and the growth of our community since our Fall Quarter reception.

POWERSHiFTER - Rethinking Cx Needs
The COVID-19 pandemic has created the need for businesses to rethink their CX needs more urgently than ever. The pandemic has put pressure on businesses to test and validate how their services are delivered in a continually shifting omnichannel landscape. Join POWERSHiFTER Digital and discover a faster way for organizations to change customer touchpoints, work culture, thinking, and old habits to not only survive but to thrive in the post-COVID era.

TAURIA - Think You are Cyber Secure - Think Again
Did you know that you have been hacked on all your platforms and on most of your apps? It is only the computer hacks that cause severe financial impacts that are reported in the press. RSA, the backbone of the first contact between devices is about to be broken by quantum computers. RSA keys are basically large numbers (the public keys) composed by multiplying two gargantuan prime numbers. These prime numbers are private keys to decrypt data.

TAURIA will present the current situation, where every device, be it desktop, laptop, or mobile, is under scrutiny. Other less severe situations with the most popular web conference platforms will also be addressed. Finally TAURIA will discuss how to protect your information with an end-to-end encrypted zero knowledge platform.

While we can't exactly replicate the experience of shaking hands and meeting one another in-person, we are excited to provide you with an online reception room designed for networking before our presentations begin. Welcome to our virtual meeting space where you can have private conversations at a table with fellow guests and move from table to table to meet others. Your personal profile is your virtual business card.